About the company
Twint is the full-service specialist in the industry and ports sector.

Two further private limited liability companies are operating under the Twint B.V. flag:

Twint the family business

Plot of land in Beemster

In 2012 the Twint family bought a farmhouse and the plot at the rear in Beemster. The young business owners had plans to set up a company with one clear vision: the establishment of a family business with a distinctive service. It was not to be just any company, but a company specifically operating in the ports and industrial sector.

Bart en Anouska
About the company
Family business

The Twint family business was set up in 2015. After Bart Twint had completed his internal training at the SOMA College, he and his wife Anouska Groothuizen immediately set up their own company. Bart’s knowledge from practical experience together with Anouska’s completed ‘transport and logistics management’ training formed a sound basis for a new company. Their shared vision and different studies complemented each other perfectly. The relatively small company then consisted of two employees in permanent service and one team of freelancers working for one customer.

The present

From the time of establishment up to the present, Bart and Anouska have been working with enormous passion for the business and the ports and industrial sector. Thanks to this drive, Twint has enjoy strong growth since its time of establishment. Bart and Anouska have raised the company to the level where it is today.

Now Twint has 40 employees in permanent service. A small team of freelancers also provides support to enhance flexibility. Twint has a diverse customer portfolio including a number of large names in the ports and industrial sector. The large equipment fleet has now grown to 15 vehicles, while we dispose of 145 containers. We attach importance to quality and a safe working environment. To be able to carry out our activities and specific services we now have 6 company certifications

Bedrijfspand geheel

Company premises

Thanks to setting objectives and the great dedication of the business owners the company grew to become a larger concern. In 2018 the Twint family established company premises behind the farmhouse with the future in mind. The new company premises allowed Bart and Anouska to further expand the Twint company and accordingly to grow. The new company premises enables Bart and Anouska possible to take further steps with the company and achieve their objectives for the future.

Twint’s office is housed in the new company premises. The industrial building serves for the storage of our machines and materials, not forgetting the canteen and meeting room where the coffee is always on the boil. Twint likes to look to the future and recognises the importance of working in an energy- and CO2-neutral manner. This is why all the company premises are powered by geothermal energy. We have conditioned storage and can heat or cool the whole industrial building.