Nieuwe Corona maatregel

New measure guarantees employee safety

The coronavirus is a burden on everyone. At Twint we have also been continually faced by a changing society and the associated adaptations and rules. We have taken a new measure to make a contribution to achieving a safe working environment.

Measure taken
Our employees must wear a face mask for a large part of the work time. We attach great importance to the health of our employees. This is why Twint has supplied face masks to its employees. Obviously we hope to soon be able to get back to the ‘old normal’!

Core values
At Twint we consider a safe working environment to be of great importance. This is not one of our core values for nothing. Besides providing mouth masks, the equipment of the average employee at Twint consists of many more components. Curious about what further protection and safety equipment we also provide? Read about it under ‘employee safety ’ on the ‘Working-at page’.

Nieuwsartikel 1

Twint carries out industrial cleaning during 2020 plant stop

This year in November our team were again working on industrial cleaning during a plant stop at a customer. During a plant stop the whole factory ceases to operate and maintenance work is carried out that cannot be done while the production process is taking place. With the deployment of our employees and machines, Twint actively and efficiently works on speeding up the restart of production.

Our services
Our employees clean silos and plant locations manually and by machine with our multi-combination cleaning vehicle and HDR materials, we pump residual flows into liquid containers, and take care of the disposal of the materials. We are an SIR-approved company, our employees are HDR- and SCC**-certified and are motivated to carry out industrial cleaning work for you!